
12:48 PM / Scribble by Wolfy / comments (1)

Ok,this gonna be a quick entry.They wont like someone
blog about mundane stuff or porn in the college comp lab.

Last week was a runaway. The euphory barely sink in after
i thought the previous was a false alarm. This time i need
to hide again, for real.

So for 3 days i sell my arse in exchange for staying in
one of the good samaritans living room with mattress. :-)

No, i dont socialize with other residents. I am a grumpy
wolfy and fill with uncensored anoying crap. Cant find
anything fun to do except make out with my laptop and
try to squeeze out another part of report that due
next week.

For some unknown reason, one of my ex classmate
chat with me through msn. We rarely chat yet we talk
as long known friend. A good sign perhaps? I rarely
add people through msn not mention about chat with
friend with it. So feel free to msn me to hear the crap or
story of wolf action on bed will yea?


Hide and seek

6:07 PM / Scribble by Wolfy / comments (1)

It is irony that special circumstances that lead me to

discover a cozy cafe nears my place. Pass by quite
often, but never think about drop by and have a tea

But tonight,I gonna stay here at Bangi Kopitiam,to crap
out another truly magnificent post,by yours truly.

7th week of this semester wasted,dozen of assignment
waiting to wax my arse off.Procastination keep ringing
in mind: be optimistic that thing will be complete in time

Feel isolated, be it from group mates or old kakis. Life
move on as they said. What can i do more besides stay
cheerful and not think about the isolation that surrounds me.

My attitudes perhaps,that scare them off? Too bad as
no one truly nice enough to tell me about that if it's
really that problem after all.


The Mac is down!

7:25 PM / Scribble by Wolfy / comments (0)

In this epic battle of the The Jackass vs The Jumbo
which started as early as 2006 finally come to an end.

Its a high stake game which the winner takes home
the title as The 44th President of United States or the
fella that can simply bomb a country back to stone age
base on mood swing.Hefty entry fee i say since both
the condidates raise about $1 billion to run the show.

The Mac(McCain) is never my cup of tea.Dont let the
age of 72 fool you, he will put shame on most of the
folk of his age since most of them either plague with
sickness or RIP.

McCain takes great pride of being a patriot that serve
the military from survive as a captive of Viet Cong to
participate the mission in Cuba Missile Crisis.

Tough guy ,but what if he suddenly kick the bucket
and the no brainer Palin take over the throne?
Nah,better dont think about it. Besides ,someone
that keep recalling his glorious past just to prove that
how good is he makes me sick.

On the other hand, Obama pack in energetic,
charismatic and african-american background feature
into a powerful tool to lure the vote.It is his speech
that draw many youngster and US immigrants to cast
their vote to him.

Call me naive or what, but his campaign video clip sure
get my attention for his speech strike the heart and soul
of the audience.He gets my vote for sure if i am in the
states too.

Lets just see if Barrack Hussein Obama can walk his
talk then.
